The INSD’s French Certification, Image Consulting and Styling programme develops self-esteem, strengthens personal branding, and improves credibility, communication abilities, and fashion knowledge. It promotes self-expression, personal development, and success in the workplace.

This program will enable you to be a professional

Who can




Training People

on Managing Their

Appearance Clothing


Body Language

Etiquette to create positive and powerful first impressions to get more opportunities in life.


Image Consulting course covers the

Physical Aspects

Aesthetic Aspects

Psychological Aspects

Social Aspects

of image management and enables students to help their clients project a winning image to create positive first and everlasting impressions.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)


Personal Transformation

Learner will receive a thorough education that will equip them with the methods and skills necessary to transform themselves and their clients


Essentials of Grooming

To improve overall appearance for oneself and the customer, learners will master the art of grooming, including skincare, haircare, cosmetics application, and personal cleanliness


The Evolution of Style

Style development: The course will teach you how to identify your individual style and how to dress for different occasions while expressing your individuality through your wardrobe choices.


The Art of Body Language

Learn how to portray confidence, charisma, and good energy through your non-verbal communication by understanding the significance of body language.


Confidence Building / Constructing Confidence

The course will improve the learner’s sense of self-worth and lay a strong basis for self-assurance, enabling him or her to respond calmly and confidently to any situation.


Image Consulting

Get professional direction and tailored help on developing a unified and powerful image that supports your aims and aspirations.


Integrated Approach

Make the most of an integrated strategy that combines body language, grooming, style, and confidence-building to produce a complete and genuine image that leaves a lasting impression

Curriculum Training Method

The training curriculum for the Image Consulting course can be divided in Two parts

Image Consulting Personal (3 Months): (Total learning hours: 90 hours)

Image Consulting Personal and Professional (6 Months): (Total learning hours: 180 hours)

Training will be divided into 2 parts:
Part 1 – Theory


I: Faculty  II: Expert


I: National II: International

Part 2 – Theory

Students will perform practical tasks,

Submit their assignments to teachers and receive feedbacks with detailed analyses of works

3-Months program: Total Practical hours: 70 hours

6-Months program: Total Practical hours: 120 hours

Programmes Pricing

3 months program: Rs. 75,000 + 18% Taxes
6 months program: Rs. 99,000 + 18% Taxes
OPTIONAL: 3-Week study tour in France (approx. 2.9L)

3 months program: Rs. 44,599 + 18% Taxes
6 months program: Rs. 84,599 + 18% Taxes

Program Modules along with their Description

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